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MUSINGS by Casey Wilson

For my last and final blog, I decided it might be fun to simply throw the goddamn kitchen sink at you for today ‘s entry. A potpourri of tidbits that have NOTHING to do with one another. ‘ Why? ‘ Because it ‘s fun! ‘ I also had no concrete ideas left.

MUSINGS by Casey Wilson

‘Freak Dance-The Forbidden Dirty Boogaloo ‘ at the UCB tonight at 8pm. It ‘s written by Matt Besser and directed by Lindsay Hendrickson. It ‘s a musical extravaganza and it is fucking hilarious. Upon seeing it, Drew Droege became my personal hero. Angela Trimbur is out of control. The whole thing just ‘aint right. It closes tonight. http://www.ucbt.net for tix. Here is the blurb:
‘More sex than Flashdance. More drama than Footloose. More danger than The Lambada. More dance fighting than You Got Served. More pretentiousness than Save the Last Dance…

Welcome to the streets where dancing is the dream of every street kid. Freak Dance is the story of how dancers from different worlds come together to save Fantaseez Dance Center from the long arm of the city building inspector, the evil rival dance studio, and power of the Forbidden Dirty Boogaloo. ‘

To see ‘Sex and the City ‘ tonight with my friend Lindy. We will be at universal City Walk at 9:10 if anyone is in. Lindy asked that we ‘dress it up a little ‘ to show our respect. I readily agreed. We are going to celebrate ‘Foot Fist Way, ‘ the hilarious Danny McBride hilarious at UCB after. Side bar, I was saddened I wasn ‘t made into a cartoon for the Funnyordie home page and given a bubble extolling ‘Foot Fist Way ‘ with the Will Ferrell and the Ben Stiller. My bubble would have said, ‘If this movie was under a table, I ‘d play ‘FOOT ‘sie with it!! ‘ Take that FunnyorDie.

Went to Marix with some good friends and we downed some margaroos and they didn ‘t start ‘talking ‘ thank God (We have taken to saying your margarita ‘talks, ‘ when, after you ‘ve had a couple, the tequila makes you say things you can ‘t take back. Things turn very sour very quickly and people go to a dark place. When someone ‘s margaroo starts talking I can usually be found crying in a corner sucking my thumb.) Last night however, instead of talking, the margaroos provided a fun jumping off point. suggested we play a rousing speed round of ‘Never Have I Ever. ‘ Don ‘t judge. Now our friends have all known each other for years, but last night we got IN there. People have peed on others and been peed on. It was a revelatory, joyous night.

Is it wrong I took to peeing in a Venti clear plastic Starbucks cup in my car during the writers strike? We were picketing and there was just never a convenient bathroom. Fine, I guess there was, but I am super lazy and to me it just seemed like, well guy pee in bottles and stuff. I probably shouldn ‘t have done it whilst parked in a residential area. Nor should I have wiped myself with a beach towel that I would then throw in the backseat and forget about ‘but we all have to cut corners for this life to keep on rollin. ‘

Does anyone have any gossip they would like to share on the comments section? Come on. Do this blog for me!

Hey dad! My dad is named Paul Wilson. My friends call him Mr. Paul. He is a political consultant who lives in Alexandria, Virginia. He was also my Girl Scout leader until I was a senior in high School. He is very funny and very nice. Hi Fletcher! My brother Fletch is about to graduate from grad school at Stanford for engineering. I am very proud of him. He is also funny and nice. He did recently forget to tell me about his graduation dinner even though he remembered to call and personally invite our dad ‘s girlfriend, but this is NOT a passive aggressive way to make him feel bad about it. Not at all. Hi Joyce!!! Enjoy Fletcher ‘s graduation dinner, wish I could be there!!

Why did a homeless man on San Vicente and Fairfax throw hot-ish coffee in my face while I was grabbing my wallet from my car? I ‘m genuinely wondering because I asked him, ‘why did you do that? ‘ and he never answered me.

This is the end of our time together and I have really enjoyed getting to know you. You laugh at my jokes and smile at me as if to say, ‘Aww, Case. ‘ You ‘re very cute and a good listener. Will you keep in touch with me? I ‘d like to offer up my email address. It ‘s CaseWilson@gmail.com. I will accept compliments, love letters, an answer to the above question and insane ramblings I can forward to my friends with the subject line being ‘ check out this crazy: see below. ‘

I love you,
Casey Rose Wilson

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