Dr. Gupta’s Weight Loss Miracle

Dr. Gupta’s Weight Loss Miracle

Having trouble losing that last 78 pounds? Try Dr. Gupta’s New T-Wurm weight loss miracle. Works without dieting.

Fantasy Hair Competition

Fantasy Hair Competition

A Dog’s Thoughts on Twitter

A Dog’s Thoughts on Twitter

Since us humans are obviously not thinking clearly or rationally, here is a dog’s thoughts on Twitter. Starring Barry the Talking Dog.

And the winner is….

And the winner is….

Summer Heights High’s drama teacher, Mr. G

Summer Heights High’s drama teacher, Mr. G

Soooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

What to get Heidi and Spencer?

What to get Heidi and Spencer?

Pete Johansson – USA, Marijuana and the Chinese Olympics

Pete Johansson – USA, Marijuana and the Chinese Olympics

Comedian Pete Johansson talks about the DEA’s interference with Canada’s attempt to legalize marijuana, drug testing and this past Summer Olympic games

Grey Gardens: little Edie

Grey Gardens: little Edie

Kimberly McBride as little Edie

Bronx Zoo Firing Animals

Bronx Zoo Firing Animals

Fight Like Jackie Chan

Fight Like Jackie Chan

With this instructional DVD set, you’ll be Jackie Channing in no time.

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