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Snowden Supporter @Fart Trolls HLN Host By Discussing Edward Scissorhands The Whole Time

Yesterday world-famous Edward ‘Edward S.” Snowden joined popular microblogging platform Twitter, and HLN covered the story by talking to the very funny Twitter user @Fart, aka Jon Hendren.

Described as a ‘Snowden Supporter,” Hendren video chatted into the studio on the HLN TV, and trolled the HLN reporter by not talking about Snowden at all, instead focusing all his energy on a different Edward S.: Tim Burton film character Edward Scissorhands. The result is kinda beautiful.

via bronzehammer, h/t @fart

Towards the end Hendren eloquently sums up the guilt we all feel about Edward S. ‘We cast him out. ‘ Hendren says, “We got scared when he poked a hole in a waterbed with his scissor fingers, and that was unreasonable of us.”

UPDATE: Apparently HLN was hoping to book John Hendren. TV is hard. (h/t NYMag)

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