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Funny Or Die Test Tube: Cascade Up

Funny Or Die has asked the best sketch groups in the world to play around in their lab: In this episode, Cascade Up invites you to explore the dark mysteries hidden in America's most beloved bygone institution, the video store.

Written, Directed and Edited by Matt Mazany and Ian Skalski
Featuring: Ben Parks, Jesse, Klein, Matt Mazany, Leo Shvedsky, Ronnie Adrian, Ross Buran, Dan Banas, Cassandra Lee Walker, Stephen Perlstein, Sasha Fieler
Video Store Kids: Ify Nwadiwe, Claire Barnhart, Bill Kottkamp, Joe Cabello,
Music Composed for ‘Sniper ‘ by Ben Bromfield
DP ‘Sniper ‘ Matt Sweeney
Production Designer ‘Sniper ‘ and ‘Video Store ‘ by Corey Doyle
Sound Mixer Mike Robertson
Test Tube Executive Producer Matt Mazany

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