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How to be a Feminist

There's no one way to be a feminist (it just means you believe in equality between the genders). Yet we often find ourselves competing with other women over the 'right' way to be one. Share this video if you believe the most important part of being a feminist is supporting other women.

“How To Be A Feminist ‘
Written & Directed by: Stephanie Carrie
Produced by JustBoobs Sketch: Melissa Rojas, Elizabeth Bond & Kate McDaniel & Stephanie Carrie (www.JustBoobsSketch.com)
Special thanks to AwestruckTV (youtube.com/awestruck), Maria Pelletier & Michael Potts
DP: Davey Vorhes (http://www.bigfootage.net/)
Editor: Kyle Bales (www.kylebales.com)
Costumes by: Ivette Hernandez
1st AD: Susan Iskiwitch
Sound: Matt Pacult
Lighting PA: Toby Stone
“Normal ‘ Women: Angel Laketa Moore & 2 Stephanie Carrie
Covered-Up Feminists: Taylor Loeb, Amber Eyerly, Andrea Rutherford
Slutty Feminists: Kate McDaniel, Vivian Lamolli, Jelena Nik
Mommy Feminists: Elizabeth Bond, Sharzad Kiadeh, Tuffet Schmelzle
Hippie Feminists: Melissa Rojas, Emily Baldoni, Ivette Hernandez
Dude Feminists: Justin Martin, Marcus Briggans, Brian Murphy
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Vaginaverse poster & JustBoobsSketch Logo by Carin Agiman (www.carinagiman.com)
JustBoobsSketch Photography by Johnny Shryock (http://www.johnnyshryockphotography.com/)

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