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Incredible: This Hero Of Tolerance Will Gladly Use Women Of All Races As Vessels For His Sexual Pleasure

Hey, it ‘s me, Tanner. Everyone always calls me a racist, and I don ‘t get it.

They say I use ‘slurs ‘ and talk about non-white people in a ‘derogatory manner. ‘

Well I ‘ve got a question for you, snowflakes. If I was really a racist, why would I have no problem using women of all races as vessels for my sexual pleasure?

Seriously, think about it.

I don ‘t discriminate at all when it comes to the women I bang. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, doesn ‘t matter! As long as you ‘re hot and put out, I couldn ‘t care less about the color of your skin.

As long as you ‘re hot and put out, I couldn ‘t care less about the color of your skin.

Would a true racist say that?

I know it ‘s cliche, but I ‘d even go as far as to say I don ‘t see color in any broad that ‘s trying to get this D. No matter what your ancestral heritage is, I will happily reduce your worth to an inanimate sexual object that I ‘ll treat and discard like perishable food, and then brag about my dehumanizing exploits to my homogenous group of like-minded friends.

I love diversity ‘ diversity in pussy!

Does that really sound like the thought process of a racist?

Not at all, right?

Oh, so now you ‘re calling me sexist?

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