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10 Pics That Will Convince You That Beto O ‘ Rourke Is A Total Fox

This morning, I woke up to an incredible article by Splinter, that talked about how the Texas GOP ‘s strategy of attack ads against Beto O ‘Rourke is only serving the purpose of pointing out how hot he is.

The attack ads consist of posting early mug shots of him looking like a total babe…

and a band photo of him looking like a cutie

This led me down a rabbit hole of digging for pics of Beto O ‘ Rourke and vomiting heart emojis at my computer. Anyways, I've curated a hand picked gallery of the hottest pics of Beto. Enjoy!

Here he is shredding. I ‘m in love.

Not sure if this is his kid, but he would make the hottest dad!

Liking it, loving it…

I wish I was this microphone.

Legislate, daddy!

Ok, I just found out he ‘s happily married to a babe and I respect that.

But a girl can dream, right?

And last but not least, this video of him skateboarding at a Whataburger in McAllen, Texas. I ‘m dead.

Check out his official website here.

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