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Land of the Forgotten

Team Sorcerer hits the road to compete for the first time since Greg (Jason Ritter) joined, finding themselves stranded in desolate Primm, Nevada for the “Las Vegas ‘ Invitational Tales of Titans tournament.

Find more episodes of Tales of Titans here.


Directed by: Matty Smith & Andy Maxwell
Written by: Matty Smith & Nick Wiger

Executive Producers: Mike Farah, Joe Farrell, Joe Hardesty, Rowan Wheeler, Matty Smith, Nick Wiger
Produced by: TeNeil Moore French
Co-Producers: Kate Lilly & Elizabeth Baquet
Coordinating Producer: Nick Sala

Jason Ritter
Carrie Wampler
John Salley
Keye Chen
Carlos Knight
Justin Lee
EJ Joseph
Ilia Constantine

Guest Starring:
Jim O ‘Heir
Alison Haislip
David “Phreak ‘ Turley
Meghann Murphy
Hayley Marie Norman
Allan McLeod
Suzi Barrett
Julie Brister
Bill Kottkamp

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