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This 13-Minute Aussie Short Reveals The Hidden Danger Of A Blowjob

A story about truth and happy endings. ‘


This short film is exquisitely put together. The cinematography, the editing, its pacing and willingness to sit in moments really makes you pay attention. All of which is leading to a pretty strong indictment of the Catholic church ‘s irrelevance in modern culture.

So here ‘s what happens: When five friends are out on a guy ‘s weekend, Charles pays for a blowjob and makes two critical mistakes: 1) He doesn ‘t use protection, which puts him at risk for a real gnarly STD, and 2) He doesn ‘t think it ‘s cheating, something that his friends quickly help him realize will get him murdered if his girlfriend Demi finds out. Which she will because see #1.

And thus begins his frantic journey to reconcile himself with his penis. Off he goes to the doctor for a quick check-up on his tentpeg and in the midst of receiving the news that he can ‘t have sex for three weeks is struck with an epiphany: Jesus Christ.

No, literally, Jesus Christ. Embracing his Catholic heritage with both arms, he confesses to Demi that he ‘s wants to take a break on sex because of Jesus. He ‘s just super super religious. Something he thinks she ‘d prefer to hear instead of the fact that he paid a sex worker for a taxable service. It ‘ll work out, right?

This coital quandary comes to you via Kane Guglielmi.


Starring Charles Cottier, Roy Billing, Shane Withington, Axle Whitehead, Lara Spaggiari, Seamus McAlary & Sam Glissan.

Written, Directed & Produced by Kane Guglielmi

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