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You Can Vacation Inside A Giant Potato Because Sometimes Dreams Do Come True

Summer is on its way and I ‘m sure we ‘re all feeling pretty fried. Work, responsibilities, and just the general grind of day to day life can really mash the spirit, and it ‘s important to give yourself a little R&R every now and then. Big vacations can be stressful though ‘ there is nothing relaxing about airports. But you know what ‘s extremely soothing and good for the soul?


Honestly what ‘s better than diving into a big ol ‘ pile of chilli fries, or that first steamy forkful of a baked potato fresh out of the oven? No matter how you slice (or dice or fry) it, potatoes are indisputably wonderful. They ‘re called a comfort food for a reason, folks.

And they just got even more comfy.

You can now stay inside a massive potato in Idaho, and I don ‘t think a more perfect destination can or will ever exist.

This absolute unit of a potato started out as a roadside attraction and actually toured around the country for six years. Sadly it isn ‘t a real potato, but that would ultimately prove to be great news for vacation-goers and humanity as a whole. Since it ‘s made out of plaster, metal, and concrete, after the potato retired from its days as a traveling spud-tacle (I ‘m so sorry) a brilliant developer, Kristie Wolfe, was able to turn it into a fully functional micro-home.


It comes fully furnished with a queen size bed, bathroom, and kitchenette. You can do literally everything from inside this potato. If you buy enough groceries, you could potentially stay nestled in there like a cozy lil hashbrown for days.

It costs $200 per night, which might sound a little steep but come on, that ‘s a small price to pay to live a starch-filled fantasy.

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