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Guy Fieri Got A Star On The Walk Of Fame, Celebrate Him With These Gifs

For years he ‘s been an easy target for jokes and fodder for memes but it ‘s about time that we all earnestly acknowledge that Guy Fieri is a national treasure. Over the span of more than a decade he ‘s showcased the best greasy spoons America has to offer, and in an age of growing tension and division, has united people all across this country through shared love of cholesterolically-nightmarish food, because deep down we ‘re all gluttons, and if nothing else, at least there ‘s that to connect us. His jovial demeanor and zest for life is straight up infectious, and I think we all desperately need more of that right now.

Let ‘s be real ‘ America is a mess, but we can, and have always been able to, find solace in Flavortown.

And earlier this week, Guy finally got the recognition he deserves, as he became the third chef ever to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

It was, in a word, beautiful.

So to honor this patron saint of meat sweats, defender of roadside diners, and purveyor of homestyle meals, please remove your hats and enjoy these gifs of Guy Fieri being Guy Fieri.

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