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Tidying Up My Boyfriend ‘s Disgusting Apartment

Just watch half an episode of ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo ‘and you ‘ll be ready to completely change your boyfriend ‘s life.


Netflix ‘ new Tidying Up with Marie Kondo showed up right on time for New Year ‘s resolutions, and has completely taken over the hearts and minds of everyone who likes watching their problems solved by other people on TV. Some have even gotten off the couch and gotten rid of a bunch of stuff. Others have come up with hot takes to counter the KonMari method so they don ‘t have to get off the couch at all.

And even if the show doesn ‘t spark joy for you, chances are you do know someone who needs to get his shit together. Whether this shit is just everywhere all over his apartment, or he doesn ‘t even have shit to get together (which does not count as minimalism, for the record), it ‘s clear that while some people like this show, some people need this show.

Luckily, this handy video will help you apply the KonMari method to solve this problem for that special someone.

Writers: Ben Rosen, Tamara Yajia
Director, Producer: Darren Miller
Actors: Tamara Yajia, Pat O ‘Connor
Director of Photography: Ryan Bender
Production Designer: Chloe Badner
Editor: Paul Smith
Gaffer: Mike Williams
Sound Mixer: Nial Morgan
Hair & Makeup: Jed Olmedo
VFX: Bryan Wieder
Production Assistant: Alexis Pfeffer

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