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How I Bribed Allison With Fruit Salad

Let me tell you about Allison Weebly. We were cubicle mates for years and years. Being cube mates means that you get pretty close. We talked about everything from love interests to reality TV and our secrets.

That was until one winter when Allison decided to have a holiday party. It was legendary. It was the type of event that people talked about until April, you know?

Allison invited everyone at work except me. Can you believe that? I was so hurt that I stopped talking to her. Our cube was just stone-cold silence.

When I brought my famous fruit salad to work, Allison would watch me eat it from afar and drool all over her keyboard. It felt good to make her jealous of my fruit.

When the holiday party rolled around this year, I told Allison that if she invited me, I would bring my fruit salad. Well, that ‘s all I needed to say! Not only did she invite me, but she let me skip the line for Santa ‘s lap.

Here ‘s hoping this recipe does you as much good as it did for me. I hope it helps you call a truce with an enemy.

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