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Kevin Bacon Crashes Randy ‘s Son ‘s Wedding And All Hell Could Break Loose (Footloose)

Randy Beslow, unfortunately, owed his ex-wife big time.

Kyra Sedgwick had traced Randy ‘s incriminating U-Haul back to Mrs. Beslow, and when she received Kyra ‘s phone call she had the perfect chance to expose Randy ‘s entire plot against Kevin Bacon ‘ but she didn ‘t do it. She fed Kyra a lie and threw her off his scent.

Why would she do this, though? Why would she cover for him? Well, in order to make Randy face the only thing worse than a failed murder plot against Kevin Bacon.

His wife and son ‘s super fucked up wedding.

When Randy shows up at this most unholy union, the first thing everyone wants to talk to him about is his grand scheme to kill Kevin Bacon. (Word travels fast.) You ‘d think that a wedding between the former Mrs. Randy Beslow and Randy Beslow Jr. would be the most shocking part of this whole event, but you ‘d be wrong, because who walks in in the middle of the ceremony?

Kevin Friggin ‘ Bacon.

The Last Degree of Kevin Bacon ‘is available now, only on Spotify. New episodes drop every Monday.

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