
USA Freedom Kids have a new song and dance to Keep Making America Great

In year 2016, the USA Freedom Kid make support for Donald J. Trump at his public gatherings as he run for USA President. Yay kids! They give much pleasure to very large crowds of the people in Florida state with entertaining dance and very nice song. And looking adorable in red white blue dancing costuming.

There was small money problem when they say the Donald Trump not allow them to sing great song called Freedom Call at many more places in country. He also won ‘t let them sell USA Freedom Kid product to many many of the MAGA fans of teen girls. But USA Freedom Kids understand how they is just greedy and wanting profit from great Trump name. So then they just say we are not going to any longer offend Donald Trump with law case.

Now year is 2020. Donald J. Trump run for president versus the sleepy very tired Hunter Biden father. So USA Freedom Kids make new song with new dance move to help other kid be happy about more Trump years. Video called American Democracy Teen because the President Trump say that kids need to learn to be great patriots. He will teach them just like he teach own childs when they was kids.

So watch video and learn new song dance by USA Freedom Kids and then all kids should vote for Donald J. Trump as more president.


Written by: Lindsey Dunn

Starring: Lindsey Dunn, Hannah Alline, Andrea Fernandez, Alex Parkinson

Produced by: Michael Sokol and Alex Parkinson

DP: Jackson Vance

Special Thanks: Action Show Studios

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