Article by Kat Curtis

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How To Be A Jerk At Work w/ Amanda Cerny (Lesson 4)

From the author that brought you the bestselling book, How to Exploit Your Friends for Profit, Brie Summers is BACK to teach you how to use the perfect balance of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy (known as the dark triad) so YOU can be the biggest unproductive jerk at your work!



Why do your job when you could just pretend to do your job?! Ask your colleagues to do things you could easily do yourself, make loud (and inappropriately personal) phone calls during work hours, eat smelly lunches in your shared workspace – get creative! Remember: your co-workers can ‘t get promoted over you if they have to quit because they can ‘t stand you!!


Start fu*king one of your co-workers, and please – don ‘t be discrete about it! Make sure everyone at your office knows about it. (Bonus points if it is your direct supervisor or someone with A LOT of power in the company)


If someone is waiting on time-sensitive work from you – post on social media so your colleague knows you ‘re very purposly ignoring your job! Never read an email in its entirety (lol – who has time for that!?) and follow up with questions that are either totally irrelevant OR were already clearly answered in the body of the text (or just do both!).


Steal office supplies. Justify your theft by telling yourself that they don ‘t pay you enough anyway.



Amanda Cerny

Created by:

Darren Miller

Written by:

Darren Miller

Tamara Yajia

Directed by:

Eleanor Giblet

Executive Producers:

Darren Miller

Tamara Yajia


Carly Reeve


Amanda Cerny (Brie Summers)

Sydney Battle (Grace)

Andy Bustillos (Derek)

Danielle Perez (Stacy)


Michelle Akeley- 1st AD

Kevin Cardoni- Production Manager

Marla Black- Production Coordinator

Noa Skikne- Production Assistant

Anna Asher- Script Supervisor

Arlene Muller- Director of Photography

Kalea Calloway- Camera Operator

Minami Moriyama- 1st Assistant Camera

Moses Okunoren- Camera PA

Marizo Siller- Gaffer

Phil Gardner- Key Grip

Caitlin Williams- Production Designer

Ed Raines- Set Dresser

Layla Kornota- Prop Master

Samantha Crainich- Art PA

Wade Vanover- Construction

Jessica Leigh Schwartz- Hair & Make Up Artist

Alison Holmes- Costumer

Nial Morgan- Sound Mixer

Jen Freeman- COVID-19 Compliance Officer

Joshua Rathmell- Editor

Andrew Jewell – Keying Editor

Bryan Weider- Animator & Graphics

Paul Smith- Animator & Graphics

Kristopher Wile- Animator

Head of Physical Production, FOD- Jim Ziegler

Head of Post Production, FOD- Phil Loeb

Manager, Post Production, FOD- Cody Pereira

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