Tammy Dahlstrom, Michael Cotter & Jeff Witzke


#Restrictions – Sqwalkie Episode 11

Episode 11 – #Restrictions. The pandemic has brought new restrictions to Los Angeles County, and they being to worry Jeff. Tammy and Michael do their very best to lay his worries to rest… for better or for worse.

FUN FACT: The gang wanted to find a way to find the humor in the struggle we are all going through. They thought this might be a fun way to poke fun at ourselves and not the gravity of situation.

Welcome to the crazy adventures of the latest way we humans communicate… using our phones to do everything but call each other. It ‘s a humorous look at life in 2020. As we like to say “everyone laughs under the Fun Dome. ‘

From the minds of Michael Cotter, Tammy Dahlstrom & Jeff Witzke – long time friends, working actors, content creators. Fun Dome is basically three friends… making silly videos. That ‘s it. Seriously… all we ‘re doing is having fun.

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