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Meet The Chillest Driver In The World

If you can zen out in rush hour, you can zen out anywhere

At a time when humans can scare the holy living ear wax out of you, it ‘s such a delightful reminder to see that there are people in the world who are kind, considerate, and stone-cold, steely-nerved guardians of gridlock gallantry.

Because the inevitable dramas and various collisions (real or metaphorical) we get into in our end-of-day, post-work funk can, and often do, bring out the worst in us. But occasionally, once in an abandoned mattress on the highway shoulder, you meet someone who rises above it all. And Alex Greer has found that human being today.

We are thrilled to bring this man straight to your face holes ‘ IN THE MOST WHOLESOME, WORSHIPFUL WAY, YOU GUYS.

Hey, Internet, meet Juan David, perhaps the chillest driver in the world

The most important things to know about Juan David:

  1. He is a native Angeleno
  2. He knows his saints backwards and forwards
  3. He ‘s the chillest mf behind the wheel
  4. And when he needs to mail some stamps, HE REALLY NEEDS TO MAIL SOME STAMPS

So sit back, relax, and OOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM.


Created, Produced, Directed, and Written by Alexander Greer and Joe Saunders
Production Assistant: Annie Mae Coleman

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