WTF is Brexit?

WTF is Brexit?

An explanation of the Uk, Gb and how sore it make ur head

Sensodine Commercial Parody

Sensodine Commercial Parody

A parody of those awful commercials

Dying of Laughter

Dying of Laughter

Dying of Laughter. Laughter can kill you. It’s also contagious

Life Hacks – Foil Arms and Hog

Life Hacks – Foil Arms and Hog

Really useful life hacks

Gaelic Flirt

Gaelic Flirt

Happy St. Patricks day, celebrate by calling this sexy irish number

Movie Voice Syndrome

Movie Voice Syndrome

What happens when an unemployed mate only speaks in movie trailer voice

The Driving Instructor

The Driving Instructor

A driving instructor with a dark past

Hashtag Sketch 2012 (Original, before Jimmy Fallon)

Hashtag Sketch 2012 (Original, before Jimmy Fallon)

This is a sketch we uploaded to YouTube December 2012. There was some controversy when Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake were accused of ‘borrowing’ the idea from us, either way, here it is!

Inconvenience Store Robbery

Inconvenience Store Robbery

What happens when an armed robber meets a cashier determined to do his job

Renting in the City

Renting in the City

A sketch about what its like to rent in the city

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End of content