

How did the economy get started? Meet Ugg, Glugg and Tugg, three enterprising cave men who accidentally invented trade, marketing and the base elements of the modern market economy.

Lemonade War

Lemonade War

How does Government regulate the economy? In an idyllic suburban neighborhood, Jerry (Patton Oswalt) runs his big business lemonade stand and has the market cornered – until ten-year old Addie (Taylor Buck) opens her own stand across the street. Competition equals war, and both sides use – and abuse – a government regulator (Mo Collins) to try and win. In the end, one special customer (Werner Herzog) will decide their fate.

Fed Head

Fed Head

What is the Federal Reserve? When Federal Reserve Chairman Rob Rafaelson awakes with amnesia only moments before a big press conference, his children, maid and intern must explain the Fed to him using the only thing handy: the children ‘s toys.

That Film About Money

That Film About Money

What is the real value of a dollar? You think that a dollar bill is money and that banks are where your cash is stored and safeguarded. Well, you ‘re wrong. Like, really wrong.

That Second Film About Money

That Second Film About Money

What do banks do with our deposits? You think that banks are where your cash is stored and safeguard and that a dollar bill is money. Well, you ‘re wrong. Like, really wrong.



What causes a recession? Choreographed by Pilobolus dance company and narrated by economic historian John Steele Gordon, Lee Hirsch ‘s ‘Recession ‘ mounts an entertaining and educational look at what causes an economic recession and how recovery is stimulated.

The Street

The Street

How does Wall Street influence the economy? On the heels of the financial crisis, Wall Street for some has become synonymous with corruption and greed. Director Joe Berlinger takes us to the epicenter of the financial world ‘ the New York Stock Exchange ‘ to learn how Wall Street really influences the economy and impacts all of our lives.

Taxation Nation

Taxation Nation

Why is our tax system so complicated? Teachers have long relied on educational cartoons with catchy songs to simplify everything from grammar to government. Can a cartoon conquer a challenge like today ‘s tax system, with its ever-changing, 75,000 pages of laws? With retro flair, TAXATION NATION looks into how our tax system does ‘ and doesn ‘t ‘ work.

Debt & the Deficit

Debt & the Deficit

Why do we have budget deficits and a national debt? In this free-wheeling animated film, you ‘ll see how Congress and public officials use and manage debt, and why it matters to you.

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Where do our tax dollars go? We Americans spend a lot of time arguing over how our tax dollars are spent. But do we focus on the right things? Or have we been misdirected? Two-time Oscar winning director Barbara Kopple focuses her lens on answers that many may find startling.

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