Katy Perry Votes Naked

Katy Perry has joined Funny Or Die’s ‘Everyone Votes campaign’ and wants you to know that there is no dress code this election day. Just get out there and make your voice heard in whatever outfit seems appropriate! Pledge To Rock The Vote Now: http://www.rockthevote.com/fod/

“Do The Donald” Starring Tom Green (Official Music Video)

Comedian and former ‘Celebrity Apprentice ‘ contestant Tom Green spits barbed bars at his one-time boss and Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, and introduces a new dance move that ‘s bound to catch on amongst the constituency.

Henry Rollins Reads Dr. Seuss

Henry Rollins reads and deconstructs the children’s book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by the acclaimed children’s author Dr. Seuss and points out that maybe one of the places Dr. Seuss needs to go is the 21st century. Check out Henry Rollins new film THE LAST HEIST is in Theaters, on VOD and iTunes on June 17, 2016

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