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The Legend of Tigg O’ Bitties

Ever wonder why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day…The truth behind the legend.

Written by Mike Nelson & Brad Grusnick, Edited by Sunil Malhotra & Frank Fowle, Graphics by Karalyn Shima, Performed by Frank Fowle as Tigg O ‘ Bitties Historian, Eamon Shaw ‘Brad Grusnick as descendant of Tigg ‘s, Dave O ‘ Bitties ‘Mike Nelson as Drunk Asshole, Sean Gallagher ‘Bethany Dwyer as Tigg O ‘ Bitties Enthusiest, Charlene McClendon ‘Janell Cox as Curator of the Tigg O ‘ Bitties Museum, Maggie Kilkenny ‘Fred Warner as the Narrator. Filmed by Ryan Hadaller.

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