Bob Dylan Quotes That May be Fabricated

Writer Jonah Lehrer resigned from The New Yorker yesterday after admitting he had fabricated quotes from Bob Dylan in his best-selling book, “Imagine: How Creativity Works.” We’ve compiled some of the quotes attributed to the legendary songwriter here. Did Dylan really say these? You make the call!

Some Places That Did Not Host the Olympics

Big cities get civic boners at the idea of hosting the Olympics. It means you’ve really made it as a city if you get to spend 10 years and billions of dollars to prepare to host events that people care about once every four years, as well as obnoxious tourists, terrorist threats, and Michael Phelps’ entourage. That said, only a handful of cities can really handle the Olympics. But the IOC, bless its heart, at least pretends to take the bids of every candidate city seriously.

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