When Your Driver Won ‘t Stop Talking About The Border

Every time Donald Trump gives a speech, there ‘s a profoundly uncomfortable feeling that washes over you – a feeling that ‘s familiar, but hard to place. Is it Deja Vu? Have you been here before? What is he talking about? How is he simultaneously the person who is ‘supposed ‘to be speaking ‘as President…

FOD Presents: People Try Voting For The First Time

These first-time voters review all their voting options for the presidential elections including voting for the least worst candidate, dodging pestilent voter fraud, and mastering the absentee ballot. All politics aside, this is the definitive voter ‘s guide for making the most of your trip to the polling station on Election Day, November 8, 2016.

Pin Heads ‘ Poor Kanye

Talking presidential-campaign pins, the Pin Heads, use a cork backdrop as their sounding board to stump on politics and platform issues typically overlooked on the campaign trail. Kanye West ‘s recent Twitter rant about money troubles strikes up a rousing debate about taxes, national debt management, and who massages the Koch brothers’ taints amongst Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump.

Bernie And Hillary Supporters Kiss And Make Up

With campaign fever in full swing and a heated presidential election season causing fierce bickering in the run up to replace Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters take a break from attacking each other on social media to bury the hatchet in the name of Democratic Party unity.

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