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House Of Cards Season 3 LEAKED SCENE: Frank Underwood’s Invisible Friend

He's not JUST talking to the camera.

Manny Hagopian as Secret Service Agent
Gina Ippolito as Congresswoman Ippolito
Tony Maccio as Frank Underwood
Dan Heber as Stevens
Timothy Noonan as Brooks
Kate Huffman as Claire Underwood
Calder Holbrook as Gynecological Obstetrician
Denisse Ojeda as Herself
Written/Edited/Directed by Hunter M. Altman
PA: Tiffany Guo
Special Thanks to:
Beverly Harris, Barry Ehrmann, Nicole Leanne Nelson, Evan Watkins, Courtney Karwal, Andra Moldav, Skander Halim, John Ford, Mike Roe, and Honora Talbott

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