This Is What Happens When Servers Straight Up Know The Specials

This Is What Happens When Servers Straight Up Know The Specials

My favorite is the one without syllables

Service Staff Are Completely Over People Using Water And Lemons To Make Free Lemonade

Service Staff Are Completely Over People Using Water And Lemons To Make Free Lemonade

Don ‘t be like this, the literal WORST COUPLE

Trivia Night with Jamal Lewis

Trivia Night with Jamal Lewis

Former NFL great, Jamal Lewis, hosts trivia night at a local bar.

That Feeling When You Still Get Carded

That Feeling When You Still Get Carded

Ken and Leanna get carded and it’s just the funniest thing ever to them. They’re just so old, right?

Do Servers Really Spit in Your Food?

Do Servers Really Spit in Your Food?

Let the debate begin …

Smile More

Smile More

Is it okay to expect a woman to smile more if she’s in the service industry? … maybe … ?

I Hated It. Can’t You Tell?

I Hated It. Can’t You Tell?

Ken and Leanna try really hard to get their server to laugh!

WINE NIGHT: Closing Dinner

WINE NIGHT: Closing Dinner

It’s a typical Wine Wednesday for the ladies of King and Queen Realty when Nicki tells the girls about her new boyfriend and the amazing dinner he made her the night she slept with him. Then they figure out it’s his Closing Dinner, the meal he makes for all the women he screws.

Starting a Dating Profile When Your Name is TAD RAPEY

Starting a Dating Profile When Your Name is TAD RAPEY

Tad pays for an online dating consultation, but Kate has her work cut out for her.

Trying to Type BOOBS into an iPhone camera

Trying to Type BOOBS into an iPhone camera

We used to be able to type 5,8008 and turn it upside down. But now iPhones flip it right side up. Jerks.

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