How To Be Pregnant In Indiana And Not Go To Jail

Never allow the suspect (you) to tamper with the potential crime scene (also you). Only allow your belly to be touched by men and Republicans. The easiest way to accomplish this is to build an iron cage that ends just above your belly. Give the key to your priest. Don ‘t have a priest? Wow, you ‘re dying to go to jail, aren ‘t you, Abortia?

How To Be Pregnant In Indiana And Not Go To Jail

Never allow the suspect (you) to tamper with the potential crime scene (also you). Only allow your belly to be touched by men and Republicans. The easiest way to accomplish this is to build an iron cage that ends just above your belly. Give the key to your priest. Don ‘t have a priest? Wow, you ‘re dying to go to jail, aren ‘t you, Abortia?

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