New-Orleans-based sketch comedy group Stupid Time Machine brings you a video about just how far hackers have come in the past two decades. #urOBSOLETE Special thanks: New Orleans Video Access Center Starring: CJ Hunt, Derek Dupuy, Liz Beeson, James Hamilton Directed by: James Hamilton Cinematography by: Lee Fritz Sound by: Jenna Morse Produced by: Calm Dog Productions In Memoriam: Discovery Zone Blockbuster Video Contempo Casuals

Urban Outfiters: #WeAreAllNatives

Happy Thanksgiving from your favorite controversial retailer. This holiday, let us celebrate by appropriating the coy charms and original hipster style of the indigenous people our country displaced and killed by the millions. Sketch comedy group Stupid Time Machine brings you #WeAreAllNatives – Indian apparel for white hipsters. More at http://www.stupidtimemachine.com

Stupid Time Machine & Rude: Tour Promo

A promo for the #StupidRudeTour with sketch groups Stupid Time Machine and Rude. This doesn’t matter to you because it already happened and you weren’t there. But it will matter, because the next time STM tours through your town you can just pretend like you were there for the first one.

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