Happy F*cking Mother’s Day with Michael Madsen

Actor Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill) wants you to know that your mother is f*cking hardcore. So this Mother’s Day, forget all the lovey dovey cards and chocolates and show a little respect to the woman that made you.

Bitchy Resting Face

Hey guys, this is NOT a Funny or Die exclusive. Really trying to give me and my hard working buddies the proper credit they deserve. We uploaded first here but the media keeps saying FoD made it. FoD is great, but they dind’t make this video. We’re just a group of people that made a video and we’re very thankful for the attention the video has received. Help us out! And thanks!! Watch ORIGINAL video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v98CPXNiSk

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