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Steve Carell And Stephen Colbert Sing A Sweet, Special Duet, And Other Late Night Leftovers

Our team of 37 heavily caffeinated editors has spent all day hand-crafting a brilliantly selected array of the best TV clips from last night so you don ‘t miss anything you shouldn ‘t. Watch what you want, skip what you don ‘t. Just be sure to swing back around tomorrow for more of yesterday ‘s greatest stuff.

Stephen Colbert and Steve Carell are old friends, and when you reunite with an old friend, you gotta sing a sweet song. And if the old friend is like, ‘Nah ‘” you just have to be like, ‘But I have a big TV show and we ‘re on it right now, and everyone is watching us, just please sing with me, it ‘s for everyone, it will be good, come on, puh-leaseeeee, you simply have to, you ‘ve got such a nice singing voice, remember? C'mon!” until that good friend agrees to sing with you. That ‘s all it takes!

This Christmas, Channing Tatum stars in Quentin Tarantino ‘s The Hateful Eight, but did you know that last night, he starred in Jimmy Kimmel ‘s ‘Channing Tatum Says 8 Hateful Things To A Kitten?” Well, now you probably know because we just told you. If you still don ‘t know, that ‘s just proof that you weren ‘t reading carefully. Why read at all if you ‘re not going to even pay attention? RUDE!

Also from last night ‘s Jimmy Kimmel Live: A bunch of people pretended they knew Kimye ‘s new baby ‘s name. The catch? They didn ‘t! The real name is Saint, and you ‘re right, that is a cool name. Have a great day!

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