Ruin Everyone ‘s Day and Inspire Nightmares With Custom Masks of Your Own Pet

Ruin Everyone ‘s Day and Inspire Nightmares With Custom Masks of Your Own Pet

WOW I hate it

Jack Black Recreates Chris Hemsworth ‘s Insane Workout – Totally Nails It, Inspires Millions

Jack Black Recreates Chris Hemsworth ‘s Insane Workout – Totally Nails It, Inspires Millions

Finally a workout video I can relate to

Bobby Moynihan Was Born A 36-Year-Old Man, Now Never Ages

Bobby Moynihan Was Born A 36-Year-Old Man, Now Never Ages

Bobby sat down with Shannon Coffey for the BUILD Series Camp Confessions and dropped some serious truth doozies. Prepare to learn.

This Is Proof Mrs. Maisel Makes A Delightful Superhero

This Is Proof Mrs. Maisel Makes A Delightful Superhero

Miriam Maisel has a new job she can add to that resume.

Ron Burgundy and RuPaul List the Top Ten Women Of All Time in The Ron Burgundy Podcast Episode 4

Ron Burgundy and RuPaul List the Top Ten Women Of All Time in The Ron Burgundy Podcast Episode 4

According to Ron, of course

If Michael Cohen Was In The Notebook

If Michael Cohen Was In The Notebook

Michael Cohen gives us a tear jerking rendition of The Notebook.

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Screamed at Each Other Through Mouthfuls of Food and I DIED

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard Screamed at Each Other Through Mouthfuls of Food and I DIED


There ‘s a Twitter Account Dedicated to Terrible Jokes Written by Kids and it ‘s SO Good

There ‘s a Twitter Account Dedicated to Terrible Jokes Written by Kids and it ‘s SO Good

They ‘re complete nonsense and completely hilarious

This Anthem To Crocs Will Get You Through The Day In Style

This Anthem To Crocs Will Get You Through The Day In Style

MJHanks loves crocs, and he will not stop till everyone knows that he love crocs.

A Rotund Rat Had To Be Rescued From A Manhole And It ‘s Deeply Relatable

A Rotund Rat Had To Be Rescued From A Manhole And It ‘s Deeply Relatable

Honestly, fat rat, I feel you

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